Elkhorn Branch
20041 Manderson Street
PO Box 1000
Elkhorn, NE 68022 Map
402-289-0082 fax
Drive Thru Hours:
Monday thru Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed

Steve Tooley
Branch President Vice President
CharterWest Bank | The power of the eagle
Jim Murphy
CharterWest Bank | The power of the eagle
Zac Paus
Commercial Loan Underwriter Senior Vice President
CharterWest Bank | The power of the eagle
Stan Brion
Commercial Loan Officer
CharterWest Bank | The power of the eagle
Ron Baumert
Loan OfficerVice President
CharterWest Bank | The power of the eagle
Rick Fowler
Vice President / Treasury & Deposit Officer
CharterWest Bank | The power of the eagleCommunity Links
Elkhorn Chamber of Commerce: www.westochamber.org
City of Omaha: www.cityofomaha.com